OPERA SEME – Program of Voice

An opera immersion experience in Tuscany, Italy

Opera Seme | June 30 – July 28, 2024 – III Edition





Opera Seme strives to give singers and pianists an immersive Italian experience through language study, cultural exploration, lessons, coachings, masterclasses, special topics workshops, and performances.

Opera Seme is hosted by Spazio Seme International Artistic Center located in Arezzo, Italy.


​The deep artistic history of Arezzo, its optimal location between Florence and Rome, and the small size of the intimate city make it a perfect spot for those that want an authentic study abroad experience in Italy. It’s the ideal place to soak up Tuscany’s ambiance while bypassing the region’s crowded cities.


Arezzo is the hometown of Guido d’Arezzo–the father of modern Western musical notation–and is about an hour away from Florence, the birthplace of opera. Located in picturesque southeastern Tuscany, the city of just under 100,000 boasts a wide range of sites to see including fortresses, monuments, churches, museums, theaters, and ancient Roman and Etruscan archeological ruins.


Dr. Matthew Schloneger, Friends University, Opera Kansas
Dr. Jen Stephenson, Baylor University, Music On Site
Dr. Alison Trainer, Boston University
Gianni Bruschi,  Spazio Seme

Guest Faculty
Mario Cassi, International Opera Singer
Claire Singher, Opernhaus Zürich
Dr. Martha Guth, assistant prof. Ithaca College; Co-Director, Sparks & Wiry Cries; Co-Artistic Director, SongFest


More info:



Please direct any questions to:

Dr. Matthew Schloneger at matthew_schloneger@friends.edu or call 316-295-5565.


Opera Seme | 2023 – II Edition

June 24 – July 23

International Program of Voice & Festival 

Opera Seme Festival 2023  


OPERA SEME 2022 -I Edition 

International Program of Voice

 June 26 – July 25

Friends University | Chapman University & Spazio SemeOpera_Seme_LOGO


More info about last edition:




© Seme snc | Via del Pantano, 36 | 52100 Arezzo | Tel. 0575.1827337 | Cell. 338.3366049 | info@spazioseme.com | P.IVA 02100400510
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