—-English below—-

Program | Art of Movement

10 days

23 Nov. | 2 Dic. 2018  –  Spazio Seme (Arezzo, Italy)


24, 25 Nov. Afrossà BDC” –  Afrobrazilian dance workshop

25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Nov. – “Body Act Rasa” Intensive workshop of  Indian Theatre

30 Nov. 1,2 Dic. – Contact Improvisation JAM (Silent Jam, Focus Jam, Live Jam)

1 e 2 Dic. –  “Dare voce a se stessi” – Vocal laboratory Roy Hart Theatre and Georgian songs


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Il percorso intensivo di formazione artistica è rivolto ad attori, ballerini, musicisti e a chiunque sia interessato a conoscere e praticare le arti del movimento in una logica di sincretismo culturale ed espressivo.

Il programma si articola in 10 giorni di training, suddivisi in tre differenti blocchi, focalizzati in specifico su determinati settori rivolti alle arti del movimento.

DANZA Contact Improvisation, Afrobrasialiana – Leonardo Lambruschini e Carlos Ujhama

TEATRO Indiano (Body Act Rasa) – Abanti Chakraborty  e Gianni Bruschi

VOCE E CANTI GEORGIANI (Roy Hart Theatre) – Laurent Stéphan & Emanuela Ceccherini


Il percorso si rivolge a tutti coloro che

  • abbiano esperienza nell’arte scenica o perlomeno in un campo specifico (teatro, canto, danza, arti espressive o performative in genere).
  • vogliano integrare tecnica e ispirazione e vivere un’esperienza residenziale presso Spazio Seme, insieme a un gruppo di 12 artisti provenienti da Calcutta (India)
  • vogliano ricevere la Certificazione Internazionale CID/UNESCO di danza afrobrasiliana AFROSSÁ BDC nel laboratorio “Afrossà”
  • vogliano vivere una esperienza di improvvisazione e ricerca in occasione della Contact Improvisation JAM
  • vogliano approfondire e ricercare sulla voce e il canto in occasione del laboratorio “Dare voce a se stessi” (Roy Art Theatre).

Rimangono 7 posti disponibili.

Nel costo è incluso il pasto del pranzo e la colazione presso Spazio Seme.

La cena è in autogestione.

I partecipanti saranno alloggiati in appartamento con camere condivise.

Costo Totale: 390,00

Costo Helpers: 200,00

Borsa di Studio: offerta da Spazio Seme e IABACE su selezione entro il 10 Nov. –

Per info e registrazioni. Scrivere a




The intensive course of artistic training is aimed at actors, dancers, musicians and anyone interested in learning about and practicing the arts of movement in a cultural and expressive syncretism enviorenment.

The program consists in 10 days of training, divided into three different modules, focusing specifically on certain sectors of the art of movement.

Dance Contact Improvisation, Afro-brazialian – Leonardo Lambruschini and Carlos Ujhama

Indian Theater (Body Act Rasa) – Abanti Chakraborty and Gianni Bruschi

Voice and Gegorgian songs (Roy Hart Theater) – Laurent Stéphan & Emanuela Ceccherini

The course is aimed at anyone that:
– is experienced in the performing arts or at least in a specific field (theater, singing, dance, expressive or stage arts in general).
– needs to integrate technical skills and inspiration and wants to live a residential experience at Spazio Seme, together with a group of 12 artists from Calcutta (India)
– wants to receive the CID / UNESCO International Certification of Afro-Brazilian dance AFROSSÁ BDC in the “Afrossà” workshop
– wants to have a unique experience on improvisation and research during the JAM Contact Improvisation
– want to have a full immersion experience and reseach on voice and singing at the workshop “Finding your own voice” (Roy Art Theater).

There are 7 places left.
The Fee includes lunch and breakfast at Spazio Seme.
Dinner is self-provided.
Participants will be accommodated in an apartment with shared rooms.
Fee:: 390.00
Helpers Fee: 200.00
Scholarship: offered by Spazio Seme and IABACE based on a selection by 10 Nov. –

For info and registrations, write to


Spazio Seme is an international cultural and arts center in Arezzo (Tuscany) that organizes and hosts several activities: classes and workshops (for children and adults), shows, concerts and exhibitions. It is a place where different artistic expressions can meet and intertwine, beyond language barriers and differences.
Spazio Seme is managed by Seme s.n.c., a company that works in the field of culture, art and entertainment. Seme creates and promotes opportunities for research and collaboration among several Italian and International agencies and artists.

