Martedì 22 novembre, dalle 21.00 alle 23.00
Lavoro di gruppo sulla voce che prevede l’attivazione dello “strumento corpo” per un ottimo supporto del respiro e del diaframma, in modo da poter portare la voce alla sua capacità massima in un modo “sano”.
Attraverso tecniche di Chi Cong e realese, si arriverà a mettere il corpo al servizio della voce e della comunicazione delle emozioni.
Posti limitati.
Per info e iscrizioni: Gianni Bruschi 338 150 12 67
Mariette Witteveen was born in 1959 in The Hague, She studied Pedagogy and Majoring in singing at the Arnhem conservatory in the Netherlands. Finished her Studies in 1994 wih the famous singing teacher Margreet Honig with a solodiplom and specialized in Oratorium and Lied. She had lessons with Ton Koopman, the barockpecialist and Peter Kooij, Hanno Blaschke, Aafje Heijnis. Learned on in visiting Prof. Dietrich Fischer Dieskau. As a soloist she is often heard in Passions, Cantates, Masses, and songrecitals. Bach: Matthew Passion, St John Passion, Händel, Messiah, Elias, Mendelsohn. Lied: Schumann, Schubert, Wolf, Brahms, Faure, Quilter, Duparc, Poulenc, Zemlinsky. She was the Assistant for many years for M. Honig in Courses and in the Conservatory in The Hague and Amsterdam in the Operaclass. (DNOA). In the last periode she teached as a Guestteacher in Leuven, Luca, school of Arts, Belgum and Operahouse Halle and for 10 years in Kulturkreis Arosa in a Masterclass. Recently she is accredited as a Major classical singing teaher for the Bacelor and The masterdegree in the Kalaidoshochschule in Switserland. In the past she was also a Teacher in the Palazzo ricci, Montepulciano, Kölner Hochschule, Germany. She graduated in Psychoanalyses on the Junginstitut, Netherlands last year and is chi Gong teacher, graduated in 2007. She is still performing in many recitals with her pianist Femke de Graaf and sologuitarist, Christian Fergo and works with the director David Jentgens in Musicaltheatreprojects, like “Il mio giorno speciale” with arias from Händel.